Finance Procedure and Policy
- The group will only apply for grants and fundraise to meet the aims and objectives of the group as set out in the constitution.
- All grants received by the charity or society will be used only for the activities and/or running costs they were applied for. If a situation arises and this is not possible the charity or society will contact the funder for advice before making any payments or purchases.
- A petty cash box will be held by a member of the committee. This will not contain more than £100 in cash at any one time.
- Cash will only be reimbursed when a receipt or invoice is presented.
- All expenditure will be accounted for in the form of a receipt or invoice.
- The Treasurer will maintain the day to day accounts for the group.
- The Treasurer will provide a financial report to the trustees and/or members at each meeting
- Cheque signatories will not sign blank cheques under any circumstances.
- The group will be transparent and accountable to its members and funders.