Your support will be very much appreciated if you can help in the following ways:
The Service will take place between 2.30 to 3.30 at the Chattri Memorial, Stenden Lane, BN1 8ZB. Following the Service, all guests will be offered refreshments at Dorothy Stringer School, Loder Road, Brighton BN1 6PZ.
At the Chattri between 1.45pm to 2.30 pm, your help will be needed to:
- Distribute Chattri leaflets etc.
- General help at the Chattri
At the school canteen, your hands-on duties, between 3.15 pm to 5.00 pm will include:
- Serving refreshments to VIPs
- Clearing and removing used crockery etc
- General kitchen duties
- Clearing furniture (chairs and table) in the café area after the event is over
- Collecting money in a “donation box”
- Tidying up at the end.
If you are interested in helping, please contact
Thank you in anticipation.”